The Application Process

Downloadable Documents

Stage 0
Strategic Definition

Formulate Design Concepts and the Client Brief.

Stage 1
Preparation and Briefing

• Prepare documents and drawings for Planning Pre-Application.

• Submit Pre-Application document on the Local Authority Planning website along with all relevant payments.

Stage 2
Concept Design

• Case Officer is assigned, followed by written feedback and Pre-Application Matrix documents.

• Address Matrix points in preparation for the full Planning Application.

• Outline Building Specification.

• Prepare full Planning Application with a Design and Access Statement, full documentation and revised architectural drawings, along with full payment.

• Submit full Planning Application on Local Authority Planning website along with all relevant payments.

Stage 3
Spatial Coordination

• Obtain Planning permission or revise the submission

• Having obtained Planning Permission:
– Cost Plan for the project
– Engage Consultants
– Prepare Building Regulation details

• Updated Outline Building Specification.

• Submit Building on Local Authority Planning website along with all relevant payments.

Stage 4
Technical Design

• Address Building Regulation queries and on-going design elements.

• Final Building Specification.

• Prepare tender packages i.e Groundworks, Superstructure, Substructure, Pool Package, HVAC/Filtration Package, Electrical Package etc.

• Evaluate returned Tenders.

• Appoint winning Tender Packages.

Stage 5
Manufacturing and Construction

• Hand Main Contractor site on start date.

• Monitor progress against Construction Programme.

• Resolve site queries.

• Undertake Commissioning of building.

• Prepare Building Manual.

Stage 6
Completion and Handover

• Compile User/Maintenance strategy.

• Final Commissioning.

• Practical Completion.

• Defects Liability Period.

• Post-Occupancy Evaluation.

• Final Certificate (Completion of Planning Conditions).

Stage 7
Ongoing Usage

• 12 month end of Defects Liability period.

• Facilities management and asset management.

• Post-occupancy evaluation.